So, it's actually nice here today - in the (gasp!) 80's! Being the frugalitarian (I just made that word up), I like to hang my clothes outside to dry naturally. It saves on electricity from the dryer, makes your clothes last longer and I just love the way they smell, dried by the sun. I take full advantage of this method during the spring/summer/fall, when the weather allows. The Ol' Man thinks it's kinda "trashy" to have laundry hanging out, and he's not thrilled with the "scratchy-ness". Instead of having a "real" clothes line in the back yard, we compromised with the chumpie on the back deck - that way, it's "hidden" from the world (per se), and I still get to hang the clothes outside. With the prices of everything going through the roof, you've got to cut where you can. Besides, drying clothes "the old fashioned way" worked for years before dryers were invented. Next, making my own butter!