Welcome to My World
The rantings, philosophies, and memories of a retired military, ex-diplomat, tattooed biker chick, quilting o'lady, pagan college student step-mom.
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
Monday, August 31, 2009
Zero Dark Thirty
It's 0357 hrs, and we're heading to Philly. The Ol' Man is getting cut - he jacked up his shoulder while in Iraq, and the insurance company has finally gotten around to getting it fixed - it's only taken 14 months of crabbing to the insurance co...and that's before Obamacare...I shudder to think how long it would take (if he was able to get it fixed at all) should that stupid health care reform get passed...Anyhoo, it's early, it's dark, but, as he's the love-of-my-life for a very good reason, he made coffee for me this am, even though he's not able to drink any! What a gem. Keep your fingers crossed that the surgery goes well...and for a speedy rehab.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Comfy Quilts
Thanks to all who gave their condolences about my mom. Being the pagan that I am, I will not grieve, but remember her with love and joy. One of the fond memories I have of my mom is that she always had something in her hands...sewing, knitting, crocheting, tatting....she never sat down empty handed. I like to do the same...I'm going to start two quilts soon. Both for my girlfriends - one for a 50th birthday, and one just because I love her. My one girlfriend is also a knitter, and she knitted me a beautiful afghan years ago, and I figure it's time to return the favor. I made the Ol' Man a flannel quilt that was pretty simple, so I'm going to repeat that quilt for my girlfriends. It's so warm and comfy...The Ol' Man loves his and I think (hope) they'll like theirs!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My Mother Died
My mom had lung cancer, and she died on Monday. Fortunately, I was able to be there to say goodbye. I flew to Chicago on Saturday, and got to see her Saturday night. I told her I loved her. I went back to the hospital on Sunday, and when the doctor came in (about 9:00am), he said it was pretty much done. I said, "No more chemo, no more radiation, right?" He said yes. I looked at Mom and asked her if she understood. She said, "Yes, it's hopeless". They started her on a continuous morphine drip, she closed her eyes, and gave up the fight - she didn't open her eyes again. She took her last breaths on Monday at 2:15pm. She looked like a cancer victim...hair thin and falling out all over her pillow, sunken face...not the picture I want to remember. I want to remember the picture of her when she was in her late 20's. She was beautiful...wearing a long red velvet dress, with white, over-the-elbow gloves, standing in front of the Christmas Tree at my Grandma's house, her hair done up so prettily. I want to remember her riding horses with me. After we die, who knows what happens to our spirits, but I like to think of her with my Grandma and Grandpa - she loved them so much. She was there when I was born, and I'm glad I got to be there when she died.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Post Office?
There was an article on the Internet that I read today (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&sid=aJ01reSCujDQ), and it spoke the truth to me. According to the article, at a town hall meeting in Portsmouth, NH yesterday, Obama said, “UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems.” The article goes on to say, "The USPS lost $2.4 billion in the quarter ended in June and projects a net loss of $7 billion in fiscal 2009, outstanding debt of more than $10 billion and a cash shortfall of $1 billion." Then, why, in the name of the gods, would we we need or want a health-care system that works like the post office? The article asks, "What’s more, if the USPS is struggling to compete with private companies, as Obama implied, why introduce a government health-care option that would operate at the same disadvantage?" Hello? Anyone home? Are you getting this? The article also questions Obama - "He has failed repeatedly to explain how the government will provide more (health care) for less (money). He has failed to explain why increased demand for medical services without a concomitant increase in supply won’t lead to rationing by government bureaucrats as opposed to the market. And he has failed to explain why a Medicare-like model is desirable when Medicare itself is going broke." Damn good questions, I think. Questions I'd like to have the answer to, wouldn't you? I write/call/e-mail my elected representatives weekly, and, IF I even get a response, it's a generic, form letter. But, it is gratifying to see the citizens of America getting riled up.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Squash, again

So, we had squash and zucchini for dinner, I've made 4 loaves of squash bread, 2 loaves of zucchini bread, and I've still got 3 squashes left! The Ol' Man said, "throw them out!", but I just can't bring myself to waste like that (even if they were free from a friend). Waste not, want not...squash soup? Squash cookies? Squash pie? Squash fritters? Canned squash? Yeesh, I feel like that guy from Forrest Gump - the one that had a billion recipes for shrimp.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Life Member
Went for a ride on the bikes today...there was suppose to be a "bikefest" down the road apiece, so we figured, since it was such a nice day (and the gods only know how many of those we have left!) we'd take a scoot and see what the skinny way. Great ride, crappy "bikefest" - not many bikes and not many vendors. We did, however, find a great Thai restaurant! Interestingly, when we went inside, the waiter asked if we were members or had a reservation - to both questions we replied, "no". He then informed us that in order to eat there, we'd have to join - the price of the "membership"? $1.00 Seems that the house-converted-to-a-restaurant only had one bathroom - which was against the rules for restaurants. So, in order to "sidestep" the law, the place was a "private club"! I am now a proud, life member of the Bloomin' Thai Phuket Club!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Bacon and Cheese, Please!

Does anyone get distracted the way I do? Maybe little kids... I'll get a thought in my head, and figure out I need to do X, then I'll pass by the sink, and realize I need to wash the few dishes that are there. Then, while I'm putting them away, I see that we need nutmeg, and I'll write that down on the grocery list, which is next to the calendar, and I'll see that we're having company come so I'll need to vacuum, and while I'm getting out the vacuum, I'll see that the laundry needs to be done...and by this time I've completely forgotten about X! Maybe I'm getting senile. The Ol' Man says I need to take Ginkgo Balboa (or Blaoba? Bogoa?), but I'm sure I'd forget to take it. A friend gave us a bunch of yellow squash. Why, on the gods green earth would you want to eat anything called "squash"? That's something you do to a bug, not something you eat. Anyhoo, since he gave us 7, I figured out I'd better do something with them. I found a recipe for a Squash, Onion and Pear au gratin. Believe it or not, it didn't turn out half bad! I even managed to sneak it past the boys. It had bacon in it, and cheese. I think they'll eat anything if I tell them it contain bacon and cheese....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What I Did for My Summer Vacation
We made it back tonight from the family vacation. All went well! The boys had a blast swimming in Uncle D's pool, fishing in Uncle M's pond, eating junk food provided by the entire family, playing games with Great Grandma and Grandpa B...how wonderful to have such a loving family. Unfortunately, all my grandparents are dead, but the Ol' Man still has his grandma/pa on his mother's side (Great Grandparents for the boys!), and they are really great folks. I miss my grandmother and father, and it's really nice to have a grandma and grandpa again. Of course, the Ol' Man's mom is a perfect grandma...stuffing the boys full of cookies and cakes and letting them get away with murder...but I suppose that's the perks of being a grandma!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Summer Vacation
We're off today on the road trip to visit the Ol' Man's family. Hopefully, the weather up there is nicer than the weather down here. Hopefully, the kids sleep the entire way. His mom, bless her heart, will have ton's of food for us...that's what Grandma's do!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Men are from Mars....
I've figured it out. For (most) men, sex isn't an emotion, it's a feeling. Think about the most decadent dessert you've ever had...French Silk Chocolate Pie, Fudge Brownies, Strawberry Shortcake, Creme Brulee, etc. Think about how it felt when you were eating it. That lusciousness, that slice of heaven dancing over your tongue. That's what sex is for men. It's that incredible feeling, with no emotion attached. They save that for the dog. Women equate sex with emotion, versus feeling. That's the difference. Of course, there are exceptional men out there...like the Ol' Man. He loves me (emotion) as well as loves the feeling of sex..the best of both worlds! And, I feel the same. Lucky me!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Computer Passwords
AAARRRGGGG! "Your password must be between 8 and 12 letters, have one special character, one number, one capital letter, not be a password you've used in the last three months, not include your birthday, or your mother's maiden name,......." AND, of course, every stinkin' site requires a password. There's just no way to keep track of them all! I try to use some of the same ones, but that doesn't always work. I end up resetting my password every time I go on the site cause I can't remember what I changed it to last time. Of course, you're not suppose to "write them down"...but maybe I should?! I really can't see a criminal mastermind breaking into my house just to steal my 5 year old lap top and then scrounge through a bunch of paperwork to find all my passwords. Besides, it's not like I've got Top Secret stuff on my hard drive! Sigh....
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Kitchen Witch, evil eyes and Ganesh

I have a kitchen witch. I got her in Germany. According to Wikipedia, "A kitchen witch, sometimes called a cottage witch, and often called a "Scandinavian" kitchen witch doll, is a poppet, or homemade doll resembling a stereotypical witch or crone displayed in residential kitchens as a means to provide good luck and ward off bad spirits." My witch does a pretty good job, as the Ol' Man really likes my cooking, and I haven't made anything crappy in a long time. I made some banana bread, and the Ol' Man scarfed down the whole loaf in about a day! I also have evil eyes all around the house. I got them in Turkey. The Evil Eye Bead Amulet or Turkish Blue Glass Nazar Boncugu is thousands of years old. This talisman fights against the evil eye, gives protection and brings luck to all. It gives happiness to friends and the beloved ones. The Ol' Man has a Ganesh on the mantel. The Lord of Success, Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati, has an elephantine countenance with a curved trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body of a human being. He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. I'm a pagan, and I figure, it can't hurt to cover as many bases as I can.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
It's Raining, again....
Good thing we went for a ride on the scooters yesterday. Woke up this am to rain. They keep saying this was the "summer that wasn't", and they're right. Mold is starting to pop up everywhere, mushrooms in the grass, not enough sun to grow the veggies....and they also say that on the heels of a crappy summer comes a crappy winter. But, yeesh - last winter was crappy too! Where does it end? The "Sturgis of PA" was a good time. There were maybe 200 bikes there, and they ran out of T-shirts an hour and a half after the event started. It was sponsored by a local radio station, and they said they'd have the T-shirts for sale on their web site. It was such a nice day (after having so many crappy days in a row), that everyone wanted to get out and ride...they didn't expect such a good turn out. One thing I like about biker events are the vendors...one stand was selling helmet stickers and jacket patches. A lot of them are "adult only" slogans, but they sure are funny! As this is a family show, I can't repeat them here, but if you ever get a chance to attend a biker event, check them out!
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Every year, the motorcycle rally at Sturgis, SD kicks off in August. It's the "mecca" of motorcycle rallies...the biggest, most well known rally, probably in the world. If you ride a motorcycle, you have to make the trip at least once in your life...I think it's some kind of unwritten rule. I've been there (back in....1990 something) and it was quite the kick in the head! Bikes for as far as the eye could see...I enjoyed the ride more than the rally itself. I think most motorcycle rallies, be they big or small, are mostly the same...bikes, bikes, bikes, vendors selling t-shirts, belt buckles, jewelry, motorcycle parts, flags, knives, etc, junk food and beer. Lots of beer. And, usually boobs too. Not surprisingly, that part doesn't interest me too much, but the boys seem to like the view. Anyhoo, while I'm not going to make it to South Dakota this year, Pennsylvania does have their version of the Black Hills Classic - there is actually a Sturgis, PA that holds a "rally" (ummm...make that a 1 day get-together-and-hang-out-for-a-few-hours), and, since today is actually SUNNY for a change, me and the Ol' Man are heading up there to check it out. I'll take a few pictures and let you know how it goes....
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