I love this country...I truly do. I spent 20 proud years in it's military, taking an oath to defend and protect this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. It seems to me that a huge threat to this country comes directly from Congress. Check out this link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20090930/pl_politico/27732 Here's my rant:
ARE THEY KIDDING ME? Who else in this country (besides the financial sector...but that's another post) is getting an INCREASE in cost-of-living? Since when did the cost of living increase this past year? All the headlines are screaming about this country going down the toilet...unemployment rate increasing, banks failing, companies going bust...AND, they wait till the 11th hour to pass this? According to the article, the vote already passed the house (gee, what a surprise), and is due to go to a vote tomorrow (the LAST day of the fiscal year!) in the Senate. Being the good citizen that I am, I called my Congressman and Senators...and, surprise, surprise, my Congressman voted for, and neither Senator knew how they were going to vote (yeah....right). Even the lackey at Turncoat Specter's office said Specter didn't know how he was going to vote, even though Specter has a provision in the bill for a " $500,000 “pilot program” for office mailings was included at the request of Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)" Like we need that right now? Another underling at Casey's office justified the increase by saying that the government's role has increased, therefore, they needed an increase in funds...and therein lies the problem...the government's role INCREASING! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. We need LESS government, not more...especially when we're footing the bill. AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!
Welcome to My World
The rantings, philosophies, and memories of a retired military, ex-diplomat, tattooed biker chick, quilting o'lady, pagan college student step-mom.
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My "not-so-green" Thumb
Like I know anything about plants...My mother in law is a total green thumb, me, not so much. I bought these plants at the grocery store (which was probably my first mistake), and they kinda when down hill from there. I like using fresh herbs when I cook...but these don't look so fresh anymore. Window sill gardening is not exactly my line of work, and I can't say I'm much better with the outdoor variety either. We had our landscaping done professionally...and the Ol' Man (thank the gods) takes care of spraying for bugs, cutting the grass, etc. I pull a few stray weeds once in a while, but I can't say I do too much more than that, which is probably a good thing as I'd probably end up pulling something I wasn't suppose to. Well, at least Autumn is fast approaching and we won't have to worry about any of that crap till spring!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty
We're about to add a new addition to the family...a little girl, officially named Perle, but we're going to call her Kitty. We'll be picking her up in a couple of weeks. What a cutie! We're so excited, and the boys are going to be over the moon! Two dogs...what am I thinking???! At least with this one, it won't be the middle of winter when we house break her.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Celtic Festival

According to their website, the mission of the Celtic Cultural Alliance is to preserve and promote the Celtic culture, through education, musical presentations, and traditional competitions in athletics, piping and dance. The Celtic Classic (now in it's 28th year) historically attracts over 260,000 visitors to downtown Historic Bethlehem, Northeastern Pennsylvania. Residents of the Lehigh Valley comprise approximately forty percent (40%) of the patrons, while the remaining sixty percent (60%) are visitors from areas throughout the United States and abroad. The Ol' Man and I attended last night for the first time...What fun! We had haggis (which isn't nearly as awful as it's purported to be), bridies and chips, and Irish Stout (of course!). They had tons of vendors selling everything from pint glasses to stained glass, clothes (t-shirts to beautiful Irish sweaters), jewelry, kilts, shortbread and more. I bought the Ol' Man a Guiness rugby shirt for this birthday, and we found these wonderful, hand made wooden swords for the kids for a great Christmas present. They should have a blast whacking the crap out of each other. There might be a hospital trip in our future. The weather was perfect (nice and cool) and we got to see some Highland games (World Invitational Caber Championships - that's where they throw the telephone pole sized log!). Lots of guys in kilts. One of the kilt vendors was trying to talk a guy into buying a kilt...asking him why he would wear pants that "bind" when he could be wearing a comfortable kilt! When you think about it, it really makes sense....men should wear skirts and women are more suited to pants. We had a blast and will go again.
Friday, September 25, 2009
WTF #2
The first video is from about 11 months ago (before the election), the 2nd one from just a few days ago.
This totally freeks me out - again. First, it was stupid celebrities pledging to be subservient to Obama - but, at least they are adults and can take responsibility for their own idiocy. But, teaching the KIDS?
SINCE WHEN did we start teaching our children to sing the praises about a president?? What happened to singing about our COUNTRY? Yeesh! This should scare the crap out of any red blooded American. This really, really has to stop. What's the matter with these people? How creepy is this? What is the mind set of the parents? Has Obama got these folks so completely bamboozled that they're, essentially, walking, talking robots/zombies/drones? Hello?
Just drink the Kool-Aid, America. Obama will take care of everything.....
The first video is from about 11 months ago (before the election), the 2nd one from just a few days ago.
This totally freeks me out - again. First, it was stupid celebrities pledging to be subservient to Obama - but, at least they are adults and can take responsibility for their own idiocy. But, teaching the KIDS?
SINCE WHEN did we start teaching our children to sing the praises about a president?? What happened to singing about our COUNTRY? Yeesh! This should scare the crap out of any red blooded American. This really, really has to stop. What's the matter with these people? How creepy is this? What is the mind set of the parents? Has Obama got these folks so completely bamboozled that they're, essentially, walking, talking robots/zombies/drones? Hello?
Just drink the Kool-Aid, America. Obama will take care of everything.....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cut Out Cookies
My Mother-In-Law makes the BEST cut-out cookies ever. She bemoans the fact that they are a pain in the a$$ to make, but she makes them with love - every holiday! Christmas (of course), Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Patrick's day, birthdays, etc. When I was shopping the other day at Michael's, the Ol' Man found some cut-out cookie shapes for Halloween (along with the coordinated sprinkles!). I bought them for my M-I-L. Hoping, of course, that she'll make some cookies for Halloween and send them to me. I have to admit...I'm addicted to them. When she sends them for the holidays, there are usually several zip-lock bags full, and I usually squirrel away a bag just for me. If I didn't, the boys and the Ol' Man would eat them all! Maybe I should buy her the ingredients too...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I sneeked...

There's this quilting website (http://www.bonniebluequilts.com/) that I found out about when I went to the quilt show (I picked up a flyer). I visited the site and found out that they had a quilt kit on sale. According to their website, they specialize in, "reproduction quilt designs and fabrics from the early 1800's and Civil War era. Original quilt patterns, unique reproduction fabric bundles and quilt kits"...exactly the kind of quilts the Ol' Man loves! Now, I'm the kind of quilter with no imagination - I can't design my own quilts, and it's a struggle just to figure out the material/colors to use! So, for me, the quilt kits are a perfect solution. They provide the directions AND the fabric, already figured out. All you have to do it put it together...which I can do joyfully! So, they had this quilt kit on sale ($75 down from $125 - saving $50!) and the Ol' Man liked it. I said I was going to buy it, and he said, "You've already got 5 projects going - you don't need another one"...and he right, but, since when has wants versus needs every come into play??! I WANT the quilt kit, it's on sale, so I bought it. I haven't told him yet. Somehow, I don't think he'll be too angry...and he'll be even happier when the quilt is done. I was stationed in Korea while I was in the military. I had a girlfriend who was stationed there before me, and she said people "go broke saving money" because everything is so cheap, you end up buying a lot of stuff. Not a bad way to go broke, as far as I'm concerned. Besides, quilting is a USEFUL hobby! That's how I justify it, anyway...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Quilt Show

I dragged the Ol' Man to the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza XVI. We didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked because we got lost a couple of times along the way, and then we had to leave in order to pick up the boys from school. But, what we did see was absolutely amazing! My jaw just drops when I see the intricacy of some of the quilts, (best of show above) the volumes of fabric, notions, etc...what a paradise! I'll make sure to schedule my time better for next year's Extravaganza! I picked up a few flyer's for other quilt shows and shops, and I'm pretty excited, looking forward to checking them out. I think I've made some kind of cardinal sin with the quilt I'm making now. I started machine quilting it, but, that turned out to be a ginormous pain, so I switched to hand quilting...is that breaking some kind of rule...switching in the middle of a project? It's not like I'm going to enter it into any contest...it's just a quilt for one of the boys. The PNQE XVI did have this guy there that had this set up to turn your regular machine into a mini-long arm quilt machine...it was pretty slick (and, MUCH cheaper than a "real" long arm machine). I never really understood the long arm concept, but I got to see it in action at the show, and I was pretty impressed. I like hand quilting, but....if you wanted to kick out a quilt quick, that'd be the way to go.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sometimes, I want to be an ostrich and just stick my head in the sand. I get so tired of all the bull that flies, health care debate (Socialism, anyone?), the stock market up, up, up, while the job numbers go down, down, down, the government bailing out the banking and auto industries (GM - Government Motors), a multi-trillion dollar deficit, housing's still in the slumps, inflation's right around the corner, the pundits saying it's over, it's not over, it's going to get better, it's going to get worse....eat butter, don't eat butter....yeesh. Makes me want to stay home, turn off the TV, radio, computer and just quilt and bake pies. I'd say also go on a motorcycle ride, but the gas is too expensive, and the weather's turning cold. The Ol' Man's so happy - he loves Autumn...the crisp days, the cool nights, the trees and their turning color. We find happiness in each other, because I can't find a lot of happiness in the news...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Finished Quilt
Well, that took long enough - but it's finished. Now, maybe the younger one will quit nagging me! ha ha ha...just in time for the older son to start on me about his quilt! The top was patched together by my ex-mother-in-law, and the quilting is a hand-quilted all-over teacup pattern. I don't really know where I got the material for the backing, but I think it was from a "donation" from my mother-in-law. She was cleaning out a friend's house and came across a bunch of fabric and quilting stuff, which she gave to me! (Thanks, L!) The boarder is material I brought back with me from Africa. I made the binding myself from some scrap material I had on hand. Nothing fancy, but it was made with love. Only 5 more quilts to go...the neighbor lady loved the flannel quilt I made for the Ol' Man and she'd like me to make one for her grandson, I've got to finish the Africa quilt, the older son's quilt and the two quilts for my girlfriends...gotta love it!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Fall is here

I was walking the dog, and I got that first whif of Autumn. You know the smell...the coolness, the crisp air, the leaves changing color. It was just a tickle in my nose, but definitely there. Some of the trees are already dropping their leaves, and it's not even mid-September yet. The neighbor said it's going to be a rough winter (like last winter wasn't bad enough, and the summer wasn't short enough?) because the oak trees have a boat load of big acorns on them. The Ol' Man is, of course, delighted...he LOVES Autumn...the chilly weather, football, no more mowing the grass! And the seasons, they go round and round....
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This is TERRIBLY wrong. "I pledge to be a servant to our president"???? If this doesn't scare the pants right off of you, then there's something TERRIBLY wrong with you.
I pledge to spread the word about this insanity.
I pledge to write, call, e-mail my congressmen and senators.
I pledge to attend Tea Parties in protest against ballooning debt and screwing our children and grandchildren.
The senate MUST raise debt ceiling above $12 TRILLION?????
Gold is trading above $1,000.
The UN is calling for a new global currency to replace the dollar.
Call me chicken little, but the writing is on the wall for everyone to see....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bad Mouth or the Truth?

An anonymous reader found it ironic that I get my paycheck from the same government that I "bad mouth". I don't see it that way. I truly believe, that after serving my country, faithfully and honorably for over 20 years, I am entitled to and worked for the paycheck I receive, regardless of how I feel about our current administration. Also, as my favorite founding father said: All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. -Thomas Jefferson. Here's a few more quotes from TJ that I particularly like:
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. (does this ring a bell with anyone??)
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Unfortunately, our political leaders have failed to heed the advice of Jefferson. There are too many people ready, willing and able to "remain silent" and allow their liberties to be taken away under the government's "pretense of taking care of them". It's unfortunate that there are those who would call the dissenter's "un-american", or "un-patriotic" or "bad mouthing" the government, when that's exactly what we should be doing. Jefferson also said, "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." I'm not willing to remain silent, and neither should you.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Imagine This....

If you lived in Massachusetts' , and they pass this "pandemic response bill" ("Pandemic Response Bill" 2028 ) which was was passed by the Massachusetts state Senate on April 28 and is now awaiting approval in the House, then, as stated in the bill, upon declaration by the governor that an emergency exists that is considered detrimental to public health or upon declaration of a state of emergency, a local public health authority, with approval of the commissioner, may exercise the following authorities (and this is just a sample!):
- to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises (ummm...search warrant anyone? Bill of Rights, Article IV of the Constitution???);
- to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated any building (my house?) or facility;
- to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons (huh? Silly me, I thought this was a guaranteed right, written into the Constitution...like THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS???), ;
- to control ingress to and egress from any stricken or threatened public area, and the movement of persons and materials within the area (Your papers, please);
- to collect specimens and perform tests on any animal, living or deceased (say goodbye to Spot);
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=108604 (Full Article)
Talk about a slippery slope....where does it end? Are you willing to let the government (State or Federal) come into your house without warrant to "investigate"...what, exactly? Restrict your right to peacefully get together with your friends, family or even drive down the street? And this is the scary part...it's all under the guise of "we're doing this because it's good for you". Sorry, but I don't want the government deciding what's "good for me". I'm perfectly capable to doing that myself. This should scare the crap out of every red blooded American citizen...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
We came home today from Philly - the Ol' Man's surgery went swimmingly well. The rehab is going to be another matter...he can't move his arm (other than the proscribed exercises) for about six weeks. Yikes! That's going to suck for him. I've got plenty to keep me busy...school (I'm taking two classes this term), quilting, leash making, and my regular "domestic goddess" duties - cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc. Keeping the Ol' Man happy and comfortable will be at the top of my list, though. The boys are back in school, so we're back to the weekend on/ weekend off schedule. Now we can get into a more regular routine.
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