That's $12 TRILLION, 258 BILLION, 545 MILLION, 28 THOUSAND, 915 DOLLARS and 24 cents.
According to TreasuryDirect.gov (http://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/BPDLogin?application=np) that is the current Total Public Outstanding Debt....PUBLIC, meaning, you and me. That's what the government has spent, and we're stuck with the bill.
Look at this:
New Spending by our elected officials:
$700 BILLION on TARP (that the people didn't want)
$787 BILLION on a Stimulus that has not stimulated anything but more debt
$180 BILLION on the AIG bailout (using Taxpayer $ to bail out a PRIVATE company???)
$ 83 BILLION on the Auto Industry Bailout (like we're ever going to see a penny of that $ paid back...)
$115 BILLION on the Freddy/Fanny Fiasco (and I don't think thery're done bailing them out yet...)
and, the BEST:
$1 TRILLION on Health Care: if you think the Government is going to save money with this new health care crazyness, I've got a bridge in Arizona to sell you.
How much revenue has the Government generated? $0
So, expect your taxes to increase. If you think Congress/Obama are NOT going to raise taxes, then you're just stupid.
Write, Fax, Call, and e-mail your elected representitves and tell them to stop spending $$$ they don't have!
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