I'm not a rabid crossword puzzle fan, but I do enjoy doing them. I usually limit my crossword
puzzles to the one's that are in the paper. I don't buy specific crossword puzzle books. The
Ol' Man and I do them together, and we work pretty good as a team. I'll start, and do as much as I can, then pass it to him. He'll fill in as much of the rest as he can, then we'll work together to finish. Simple, really, and it's just one of those things that we like to do together. He's also fantastic about working together getting dinner ready and cleaning up. After several marriages (on both our sides), it's so nice to find a really fantastic guy. When we first started going out, he said that his "normal" relationships were all dysfunctional, so our relationship, being "functional" was really "
dysfunctional" because it was such a dramatic transformation from his previous relationships! That's a good thing. When it works, it really works.