Maybe I'm totally out of touch. Maybe I'm old, a geek, not "with it". I'm probably using even the wrong words to even describe how old fashioned I am. Be that as it may, I think the "fashion" of ridiculously low pants is way beyond stupid. Every time I see this sorry trend, I get the overwhelming urge to run up to the offender and yank their pants down to their ankles. It would be soooooo easy! What is this fashion statement suppose to be saying? At least the mini skirt showed off legs...I'm not sure what this is suppose to be showing off. "Look at my Underoos!"? or "Hey, I've got clean undies on, just like mom said, in case I get in an accident."? How comfortable is it when you have to continuously pull on your pants to make sure they don't end up around your knees in a step or two? This is a picture of Travis Barker who is the drummer for the band Blink-182 (and I had to look that up on the Internet, because I had no idea who this guy was). Where have all the role models gone? I sure don't want my kids growing up wearing their pants around their butts.
And to see them walk is like watching penguins walk. Don't they realize how stupid they look? I totally agree with you. I even refused to eat at a fast food place once because an employee had their pants down too low. (it wasn't a national chain)