I hate watching the news or looking at the Internet. Between the Muslim radicals/fanatics and our own Congress, we're screwed. There's the big debate about the health care "reform"...HA! Are you kidding me? I did a search Health Care on the Government Printing Office (GPO) Access page (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/multidb.cgi) and found at least 6 Senate Bills (totalling over 1,000 pages), and 9 House bills (totaling over 2,360 pages) that our Congress is considering. Has any of our esteemed Congressmen/Women read any or all of these bills? Do they even know what they contain and how they are going to effect us? I grind my teeth every time I read about the infighting, how important it is to ram this legislation down our throats immediately, about how much it's going to cost (Trillions, anyone???). I've written my elected representatives and expressed my outrage...like it'll do any good. Unfortunately, there are too many "sheeple" in this country that just don't get it, and won't do anything and will wonder, "how did this happen" when they or their loved ones get denied a surgery or medical test or their kids get screwed with an insurmountable debt...it'll serve us right for sitting along the side lines and doing nothing.
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