Welcome to My World
The rantings, philosophies, and memories of a retired military, ex-diplomat, tattooed biker chick, quilting o'lady, pagan college student step-mom.
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Post Turkey Day Report
I've gained 102 pounds in the last 2 days. I've eaten so much turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pie, you could stuff an elephant and still have some leftover. I don't walk anymore, I roll. Kinda like Violet Beaureguard in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - you know who I'm talking about...the gum chewing girl who turned into a blueberry and had to be rolled out of the room? Yeah, that's me right now. I've decided I don't want to eat (anything) ever again. I want to sleep for about a week or two. Maybe the bears have it right...eat till you're stuffed like a tick, then sleep it off for a few months....
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Holiday Season is Upon Us
Heading out today to visit the Ol' Man's family for Thanksgiving...the who fam damily - cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc. Good thing is the Ol' Man's mom is a fabulous cook, and I won't have to do jack! Love that...
Monday, November 23, 2009
What "Reform"?
I'm sure y'all have been keeping up with the "health care reform" (and I use that term very loosely!). What a joke. The American people put up a fit when they 1,000 page original version came out, and now, Congress is pushing through a 2,074 page package??? How many of Congressmen have actually read, much less understand, that bill?? From the news, the current version is going to cut Medicare, raise taxes, and will cost $2.5 TRILLION from 2014 to 2024. Talk about screwing our kids. I had gotten this e-mail and it went along the lines of Social Security is broke, the post office is broke, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac are broke (and are asking for another $25ish billion bailout, by the way), etc. (meaning, of course, that all these government programs are BROKE), and now Congress wants to run health care?? This country is some $12 TRILLION dollars in debt! Hello? What part of the Constitution provides for Universal Health Care?? What part of the Constitution gives Congress/the President the authority to (mis)manage Health Care?? The Ol' Man reads the headlines to me every morning, and it just turns my stomach. I've already called/e-mailed my "elected representatives" and told them I will NOT vote for ANY currently seated "elected representative"....we need those bums OUT!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Ok, I'll admit it...
Trail mix is my down fall...my Achilles heel. I buy bulk almonds (they're good for you, I read it on the Internet!), sunflower seeds (shelled), peanuts, raisins, dried mango or pineapple, banana chips, and (gasp!) chocolate chips....I NEED that bit of chocolate, really! I try to limit myself to 1/2 a cup, but....somehow, the bag just calls my name like a siren calling the sailors at sea in the old Greek myth. It's irresistible, it's magic, it's delicious and I have no power against it. It's like crack...I'll do anything (OK, not really) to get it. I'm addicted to it. My only hope, my only salvation is to keep it out of the house...but I've got 2 bags left....oh, the agony! the Horror!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Rescue Worker?
Riddle me this, Batman -I know worms come up during the rain, because the ground gets soaked and they'd drown or something...but HOW do they get to the middle of the street, or, the middle of my GARAGE??? There's got to be some kind of magic involved. I have to admit, while it kinda skeeves me out, I try to return the little buggers to the relative safety of the rorrest floor, versus the paved street. Slugs, on the other hand, are on their own.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's hard to find good help these days...
So, I'm at the grocery store, and, the green consumer that I am, I have cloth bags. I also have the "cold" bags - you know the ones, they have the shiny silver lining to keep the cold stuff cold till you get home. I hand the bags to the bagger girl, and, she starts putting stuff in the cold bags...but not cold stuff. By the time she get's to the "cold stuff" (i.e. meat, milk), there's no more room in the bags. How hard would it have been to put the room temp stuff in the regular cloth bags, and hold off on the cold bags till last, JUST IN CASE there was some cold stuff on down the line? Or, how about LOOKING at the groceries on the conveyor belt and SEEING that there's meat/milk that's going to be coming after the room temp stuff? Geez...it's not rocket science, bagging groceries, is it? I mean, you don't need even a high school education to get a job putting items in a bag, do you? Yeesh.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mommie nees a break...
Gads...it's not even 5:30 pm and it's pitch black outside. Of course, the dogs need to be taken for their after dinner walk. Me, trying to control two black dogs, walking on a completely unlighted street, wearing a black jacket...I can't see anything, the dogs either won't keep up or pull my arms out of their sockets when they see something to go after - which, of course I can't see, so I'm totally unprepared for the yank on the end of the leash! I can't see if they're peeing (let's hope they did), cause I can't hold a flashlight and both leashes. I REALLY didn't want to make two trips...it's getting COLD outside, so the less I'm out, the better. I put them both in their crates - in the garage - and now it's time for me...me....me...me....! I think I'll curl up on the couch and watch a move. Yeah..that sound good.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ya'd think I was killin' her....
Walking two dogs, on two seperate leashes, is like being a puppet master and having no mastery over the puppets. Of course, one dog goes one way, and the other dog goes the opposite direction. One of these days, when the puppy get's full strength, they're going to pull my arms out of my sockets! At night, it's blacker than molassas here in the wilderness, so I have to carry a flashlight. Therefore, I can only walk one dog at a time...I'm nowhere near talented enough to walk two dogs and hold a flash light at the same time, not to mention trying to chew gum. So, I walk the baby first, then put her in the crate while I walk the Hound of the Baskervilles. You can hear her cry all the way down the street! You'd think I was leaving her forever, that, or someone was pulling out her toe nails one at a time. Ah, the love of a dog....
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Merry Christmas?
Yeesh...It's not even Thanksgiving yet, and all the "holiday cheer" is in full bloom. Actually, there were holiday decorations up even before Halloween! Christmas keeps coming earlier and earlier every year...and with the crappy economy, I'm sure the retailers will be doing their best to push mass spending. Not that anyone has any extra $ to spend on useless gifts, but I'm sure that won't stop anyone. And, have you seen the price of stuff? Gads...a freekin box of Crayons goes for $5! I told the Ol' Man...$500 for Christmas, and that was for EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY...holiday cards, stocking stuffers, all gifts, everything. The kids will have to get over not having a billion gifts under the tree. I'm trying to get the shopping done before Thanksgiving...that'll be one less thing to stress about.
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