In King, North Carolina, a "state of emergency" was declared on Friday because of SEVERE WEATHER (i.e. a SNOW STORM). Not a civil riot, not because of a military uprising, not because of a militia outbreak, but a SNOW STORM. I'll say it again, a SNOW STORM.
The good citizens of King, North Carolina, were informed that, because of the "state of emergency" because of a SNOW STORM, they were "alcohol restrictions" a curfew and....hold on to your hats, folks, "a ban on the sale or purchase of any type of firearm, ammunition, explosive or any possession of such items off a person's own premises."
"We appreciate the support and cooperation of everyone with our efforts to keep the citizens of King safe," Paul May, the King Chief of Police, said.
WTF??? Alcohol restrictions? Gun bans? Under the guise of keeping citizens "safe"....from a snow storm? Is this America or Russia? The creeping begins...can you see it? It starts small, seemingly inconsequential. It starts "somewhere else", and it won't happen in my town/here. But once that snowball (no pun implied!) starts down that slippery slope - and, unfortunately, that snowball is rolling, it's going to be awfully hard to make it stop. It's going to get bigger (abet, slowly, insidiously), but it's going to creep until John Q. Public wakes up one morning and he's found out he's lost all his rights. And Mr. Public will wonder, "how did that happen?". Well, Mr. Public, it's happening right now. Unfortunately, I don't think there are enough true Patriots out there anymore to take a stand and say NO, THIS ISN'T RIGHT. How sad...how sad for this once great country. Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves at what we've become.
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