Welcome to My World
The rantings, philosophies, and memories of a retired military, ex-diplomat, tattooed biker chick, quilting o'lady, pagan college student step-mom.
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.
Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lung Cancer
I called my folks about 4 or 5 days ago, and no one answered...which was weird, because they are almost always home. I called again tonight, and found out that my mom has inoperable lung cancer. I can't say I'm totally suprised, she's smoked (menthol, no less), for well on 45 years. Time for chemo, and hope.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Summer Time!

Man, it was so nice today...it was in the 70's, we picked up the bikes from the mechanic, the Ol Man mowed the lawn, I did some training with the Hound. We have the boys this weekend, and they had a blast OUTSIDE. They live in New Jersey with their mother and we get them every other weekend. Since she lives in a "city" environment, they boys don't get a lot of run-around-crazy-in-the-grass time, so when they come up here, they have a blast. They love chasing the dog, riding their bikes, running barefoot in the grass (wasn't that a movie?). We take them back tomorrow and then we're outta here on Monday for the Tour Pennsylvania Motorcycle Extravaganza. I CAN'T WAIT! It's been ages since I did a long motorcycle trip, and I'm so excited! We're going to be taking back roads, so it should be pretty sweet! I had a T-shirt that said, "If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand." There's just something about being on the bike...something you feel inside, like one of those slow motion flowers blooming. A rush of "wonderfulness" that's pretty much indescribable...you really just have to experience it. I suppose other people have their "rush thing", be it painting, hang gliding, cooking, working on cars...what ever. It's just that THING that makes it all worth it. I would hope everyone has it...or if you don't, get out there and find it!
Friday, May 29, 2009
I was chastised by an anonymous reader for the perceived bad attitude of my blog posts. "All you do is complain", they said. I didn't realize that my posts were so negative - generally, I'm not a negative person; actually, I like to think of myself as positive (versus negative). I have a lot in my life that makes me happy - The Ol Man, the kitties, The Hound (when he's being a good boy), a good cup of coffee, my quilting, college (kinda, although the current class I'm taking is kicking my a**!), fresh fruit, our upcoming motorcycle trip, the Jeep, the smell of laundry that been dried in the sunshine, candles, corresponding with my friends, containers, baking, the fact that I'm retired and don't have to work. I have to say thanks to that anonymous reader for making me realize that I need to refocus on the good stuff more. Granted, I'll not always be sunshine and roses, but, focusing on the positive stuff, the good stuff, makes me a happier person, and I like that. Sometimes, we need an outside point of view to make us see the forest for the trees.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
London or the Pocono's?
Living in the Pocono Mountains has it's challenges. Weather, for one. It's suppose to be Spring. Today's weather is foggy and cold - more like Fall, or is it Autumn? (What's the difference?) It's like I'm living in London. The fog is "thicker than pea soup", as they say. We haven't seen the sunshine in days. I think there's some kind of disease you can get from not seeing the sun for long periods of time and I think it's called insanity. I'm teetering on the edge. I'm the kind of person who thrives on sunshine and heat...the sunnier, the hotter, the better. When it's cold and gray, I feel like curling up in a ball, under the covers until the weather turns better. The Ol Man loves the cooler weather...he tends to melt in warm weather. Fog, cold, sigh.......
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty II

The Ol Man and I are going to take a 12-day motorcycle trip - "Tour Pennsylvania" , if you will. The Dog will go into the kennel, which I like to think is kinda like a "summer camp" for him, and the kitty sitters will come to the house to feed the cats and clean the litter box. Speaking of cats, once these three kick the bucket, The Ol Man was looking at "exotic" cats on the internet. Wowwee! Talk about expensive! Some of those cats go for as much as $23,000! Yikes! Check out this website: http://www.savannahcatbreed.com/index.php Killer cool-lookin' cats, but a tad bit pricy. Our three will be around for a while, so that'll give us time to save the money for one of these babies! Right...I'm just not thinkin' I'll be spending thousands of dollars on a cat. If you've got enough money to spend thousands on a cat, give me a call...I'd like you to adopt me.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Remain Calm, All is Well

So, let me get this straight...the housing market hasn't yet bottomed out (double digit declines!), the unemployment rate is still rising and corporations are still s**ting jobs at an incredible rate (as of May 8, according to the Beureau of Labor Statistics, the number of unemployed persons increased by 563,000 to 13.7 million in April, and the unemployment rate rose to 8.9 %!), states and the US Federal Government are bleeding rivers of red ink, numerous stores are closing their doors and/or declaring bankruptcy (Circuit City, K-B Toys, Linens & Things, Levitz, GM...) and according to all the news channels, THE RECESSION IS ALMOST OVER!!! Whooo Hoooo! Excuse me? Am I missing something here? And, (gasp!) Ashton Kutcher threatens to leave Twitter! The Horror! The Horror! Does anyone else see the inconsistency here? How can the recession be almost over when the entire country is going down the drain? Call me a pessimist, but I don't see anything turning around any time soon. But, hey, who the hell am I to be such a nay-sayer! Go spend money and let's all work together to get even deeper into debt and save our country!! or not....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thanks for your service/Memorial Day 2009

On this Memorial Day, I'd like to give a HUGE, heart felt thank you to all active duty, reserve, guard and veterans. Having spent 20 years in the military, I truly appreciate the sacrifice they gave, and especially to those who gave the final measure. Abraham Lincoln, upon notification of the death of Mrs. Bixby's five sons during the Civil War, wrote to her this letter, that said, in part, "that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume VIII, "Letter to Mrs. Lydia Bixby" (November 21, 1864), pp. 116-117. I join Mr. Lincoln, and add my admiration to all of the Gold Star Mothers ( http://www.goldstarmoms.com/ ). Not enough people understand that Freedom exacts a very high price, and appreciate our Armed Forces and what they have given to us. Again, I say, "Thank You for your service to our country."
Saturday, May 23, 2009
On Line Shopping

There's a website you quilters need to check out: http://www.thequiltpatternshoppe.com/
What's cool about this site is that The Quilt Pattern Shoppe has over 200+ patterns on the site from various pattern designers, and all patterns are downloadable -- you buy and print your patterns instantly! There are no shipping charges and you can begin working on the beautiful patterns immediately.
I live out here in the middle of nowhere, and there certainly are not any quilt shops around, and the nearest bookstore is a good 30+ miles away. I know I've got 25+ books and even more patters on my shelves. You can purchase and print quilt patterns instantly, and the prices are reasonable too! You can accumulate points on purchases to use toward partnering online quilt stores for thread, fabric, and other items. The Shoppe newsletter keeps you informed of sales, and the site's blog let's you know what's new. AND, they've even got FREE downloadable designs! I like free. They have specials, and you can shop by size, or skill level, or technique.
The internet is how folks shop - this makes it so easy to get the designs you want, patterns you need, information, and more - all from the comfort of your own home. How easy is that?!
One last thing - The Quilt Pattern Shoppe is having their one year anniversary! They're having a drawing for a $30 gift certificate - find out more by following this link: http://www.thequiltpatternshoppe.com/blog/2009/05/12/first-year-anniversary-give-away-contest/
Response to comments
I got a few comments on my Fat rant - check them out. I'm not perfect, and never said I was. Everyone has their own opinions/feelings/ideas, and just because my ideas don't agree with your ideas don't make mine wrong or yours wrong either, for that matter. I think that's part of the problem with society today - the idea that we all have to like each other, we all have to get along, the idea that you can't say anything that will offend anyone else, the idea of "political correctness". What a bunch of crap. There are going to be people who agree with me and people who don't, and that's what makes life interesting. How boring would it be if we were all alike? It's your life, and that's the beauty of it all...you can pick and choose who to be friends with, who to hang out with, where to work, play, eat, sleep. Who says I have to like everyone? Or get along with everyone? No one can force me to like someone else, and if I don't like you or you don't like me, that's OK. It's not the end of the world. There's a reason for the saying, "birds of a feather flock together". Why would I hang out with someone I don't like?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fat People Rant

In a few words - I HATE working out. Of course, I hate being out of shape even more. I'm not fat...I've seen fat people. I saw a show on TLC a few days ago..."Half Ton Mom". This woman weighed in at 840+ pounds. She was bed ridden for 4 years. She was called "super morbidly obese". It's not enough to be obese, or even enough to be morbidly obese...she was SUPER morbidly obese! How does that happen for the gods sake?? So, she goes in for the gastro-bypass surgery and ends up dying about 2 weeks later, leaving 2 daughters behind. The point of the surgery was to make her stomach the size of a walnut (or some such nonsense). Here's my question - she's bedridden, right? Meaning she CAN'T get out of bed - not even to feed herself. So, who's bringing her the 14 McDonald's hamburgers and fries, AND WHY? Hello!!! I'd be like, "here you go, honey, here's your cup of jello and a pretzel stick - enjoy! And, when you're done, lift these 5 pound weights over your head a couple of times." I just don't get how people can get sooooooo fat that they can't get out of bed! I can't wrap my mind around people who weigh 300+ pounds! There was another show about fat people and the one guy said, "I eat healthy - I eat oranges"...of course, he then went on to say that he at 40 oranges in ONE SITTING! D'OH! Are people really that stupid? That lazy? That weak in the mind/body? I grinds on me when you hear fat people say, "I've tried everything to loose weight"...really? How about exercising more and eating less - have you tried that??!! I can guarantee you that it will work. Quit whining, quit making excuses - there are more than enough books, web pages, support groups, etc. if you need help. Bottom line, though, it's up to you - get it through your brain. I don't like fat people. And I like fat people who make excuses even less.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not...
He loves me. You know your Ol Man loves you when you not only possibly break the new washer, but allow the Hound of the Baskervilles (HotB) to smash through the screen slider door and he doesn't get mad! Truth be told, I didn't break the washer, just overloaded it a tad and it had to go into cool down mode before it would work again. I just had to hang the soaking , dripping wet clothes out on the deck. As far as the HotB goes...well, he is The Fooch, and he's still a puppy, and s**t happens. The Ol Man said it must be true love, because he'd have gone gonzo if it has been anyone else, but seeing that it was me...he just shrugged, smiled, gave me a hug and said, "That's my girl!" then fixed the screen door. Notice the dog is now inside and the door is intact. Isn't that the sweetest thing? I swear, I'm the luckiest woman alive.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Back to School
College started for the summer term on Monday. Today is Tuesday, and I haven't done anything. I'm working on my Master's Degree in Human Resources and Employee Relations from Penn State, and it's all on line. I think on line courses are harder than attending in person. It takes more dedication. Going to school in person, all you have to do is show up and absorb the information. On line...it's all up to you. There's no one there to spoon feed you. Not to say that going to school in person is easy...it's not. But I believe that on line course take more discipline. Labor Markets...how fun does that sound?! Yeah! I can't say I'm overly enthusiastic about this course. Only 12 weeks to go!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Kitty, Kitty, Kitty
My "love cat", Bok Choy, gets miffed when she can't sit in my lap. I'm hand quilting a quilt for the youngest boy, and I've got this nifty lap frame. Only problem is, of course, that the cat can't sit on my lap, so she gets an attitude. The other two (sorry, I forgot to mention that in addition to the two boys and one Hound of the Baskervilles (HotB), we've got three cats...) are more "normal" cats and pretty much ignore us. As long as I clean the litter box and feed them daily, they pretty much just laze around the house. Unless, of course, the HotB is around, then they scoot down into the basement...where the HotB is unable to go. Kinda like a Kitty Sanctuary. Of course, the Ol Man has his Man Sanctuary in the basement too, which, on occassion conflicts with the cats...like when the cats sit on his stuff. He gets a bit miffed himself. He would like nothing beter than for the HotB to "play" with the cats, but, as luck would have it, the boys love the cats, so they are saved from almost certain death.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thoughts on Step-Parenting
We got the kids this weekend...and the Ol Man, I'm so very happy he's mine. He knows my feelings about kids, and that I do my absolute best when it comes to them. He also know that it's difficult for me, and gives me "alone time" when the kids are here. I understand that the boys are the most important things in his life, and that he has a responsibility to them,. He makes me feel just as important as they are, and that's priceless. It's not easy being a step-parent, knowing which lines not to cross, and the Ol Man supports me every step of the way. That makes it easier on me, and I thank him for that. I look forward to the day that the boys are older, like when they can cut up their own food! Everyone says it gets harder when they get older, but...at least I'll be able to hold a decent conversation without having to explain all the big words! Only 13 years to go....
Where Did Yesterday Go?
The older you get, the faster time goes. Time is a very elastic thing. When you are a kid, time crawls when you are in school, and travels at the speed of light during summer vacation. Once you "grow up", time starts to speed up like a plane going down the runway. You look at the clock, and suddenly, it's 5:00pm, or it's May, or it's 2009! Yikes! How did I get this old, this fast? It's not that I don't feel old - sometimes, my body feels really old - the aches and pains. Mentally, I feel like an adult because of all of my life experiences, college, etc. Compared to someone who's 95, I'm relatively young, but to a 7 year old, I'm practically ancient! If I died tomorrow, I'd be considered young, but if I died at 90, I'm just "middle aged" - boy, doesn't that sound nice! (not) I see other's at my age and wonder, "do I look that old?" My mom was a grandmother at my age...but I certainly don't feel grandmotherly...especially with the Ol Man's kids around. So, back to the original question...where did yesterday go? Or last year, or the last 10, 20, 30 years? There's a 2007 country song by Kenny Chesney called, "Don't Blink", ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4ySSg4QG8g ) and the refrain goes like this:
"Don't blink — Just like that, you're six years old and you take a nap
And you wake up and you're twenty-five
And your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink — You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads
Next thing you know your better half
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me, friends, a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink"
I'm trying my best to keep my eyes wide open...I don't want to miss a thing!
"Don't blink — Just like that, you're six years old and you take a nap
And you wake up and you're twenty-five
And your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink — You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads
Next thing you know your better half
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me, friends, a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink"
I'm trying my best to keep my eyes wide open...I don't want to miss a thing!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Produce, Consume, Die
I saw this T-shirt once, and it had the stick men on it working (produce), eating (consume), and the last one was dead. That's pretty much our life cycle, isn't it? What else is there? Kids don't produce anything, they just consume (and, boy, do they CONSUME!). Once the mystical world of adulthood is reached and childhood is left behind, the grind commences. Work, home, eat/sleep, work, home, eat/sleep, work, home, eat/sleep with the occasional vacation or movie thrown in. Mow the lawn. Do the Dishes. Mow the lawn. Do the dishes. Mow the lawn.... yeesh. What's the point? Unless you are Mother Theresa or Gandhi (even those folks died and nothing in the world changed substantially), what impact are you really making outside your bubble of influence? Nothing, nada, none. And, does anyone really care? There are billions of people in this world and pretty much none of them care about you. The world is billions of years old and you're here for, what, maybe 90 years, tops, and after that...your dead. Passed away. Six feet under. Gone. What difference did you make in the big scheme of things? None. The way I figure life is this - it all boils down to simply you. It's not about Mankind, or global warming, or the financial crisis, or any other kind of "big picture" thing. It's about what makes you happy, because nobody else is going to do it for you, and once your dead, your dead. Just ask Marilyn Monroe.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Dad's birthday!

Happy Birthday, Dad! Although I know it's not possible, I wish every daughter could have the relationship I have with my dad. While it's not always been perfect, I've made it to a place in my life where I can truly appreciate my Dad and all he has done for me. I love him with all my heart and feel fortunate that he's my Dad. Dad's are pretty damn special people. You can see it in their eyes when they look at their children. I have to admire those dad's who are really, truly Dads, whether their kids are biological, adopted, foster or step. Kids NEED a dad in their lives and I am lucky enough to have a great dad. I just wanted to say, "Thanks, Dad, I love you and Happy Birthday!" Love, your Daughter
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The "B" word
That would be budget. Or, as the Ol Man likes to say, "The Spending Plan". I found this website (www.mint.com) that you plug in all your info and it shows you where you are spending your money, or overspending on your budget - automatically! It takes a little time to get all the information input into the program, but once you do, it gets the updates from your bank, loans, investments, etc. Like, I had no idea we had spent $1,055 on the freekin pets since January! You can compare your spending habits to people in your state or major cities. You can input your house, cars, jewelry, art, etc., and it will calculate your net worth. It also has links to ways you can save money. Since I'm so frugal, I like to know where every penny goes, and this sure beats the old paper and pencil, or even my Excel spreadsheet, for that matter! It's pretty cool...you might want to check it out.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mad Recycler
I'm "kinda" green...I recycle some stuff, but not other stuff. No newspapers or plastic bottles (although I probably should...). What I am fanatical about is reusing zip lock bags. I use them over and over again till they fall apart. The Ol Man will help with the dishes every night, but he refuses to wash the zip lock bags. He finds it immensely amusing that I'm so frugal when it comes to the zip lock bags. I found this nifty drying chumpie on line that hold them apart so they dry. So, since they sell things like this, I must not be the only one who reuses zip lock bags...I am not alone. Come one, come all! Join me in the quest to reuse zip lock bags! WhoooHoooo! Ok, I get a little excited sometimes. That doesn't make me a bad person.
Mother's Day
Being a Step-Mom, I have to give BIG (make that HUGE) KUDOS to all the mother's out there. I never had the desire to have children, and having step kids completely reinforces that. The Ol Man's kids are good kids. But, I really don't see the point to children. You must feed them, clothe them, wash their clothes, bitch at them, praise them...and for what? So they can grow up and be productive citizens? So they can take care of you when you're old? Yeesh, how long does that take? And, there's no guarantee they won't grow up and be serial killers or s**t heads. It's non-stop and a crap shoot. And, they're expensive! There are two TV shows, one is Nanny 911 and the other is SuperNanny. Both shows involve STUPID parents who can't control their children and the Nanny has to come in and give them a lesson on parenting. I watch it so I know what I'm suppose to do, and not screw up too much.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Alarm Clocks and Dog Shows
Vlad was (note the word was) registered for the 20th Anniversary National Seiger Show today. His Youth class was scheduled for 0800 with check in at 0700. The alarm clock was set for 0400 (ugh!), and we were suppose to leave the house at 0500, as it was a two hour drive to get to the show grounds in NY. You can see it coming, can't you? When I looked at the clock this morning, it said 0549...at which time I promptly turned over and went back to sleep. It seems like the dog got a hold of the alarm clock one too many times and it finally gave up to ghost. I guess he didn't really want to get up at 0400 either, that, or he didn't want to go to the show. Anyway, there went the $50 registration fee (aaarrrggghhhh!) and I'm off to the store to buy a new alarm clock. Maybe I'll get one of those wind up ones that have the big bells on the top.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Dogs and Socks

Vlad, the hound of the Baskervilles, delights in socks...dirty, clean, it doesn't matter. He's gotten very good at taking the socks out of the laundry basket. He doesn't eat them, or chew them up...he just holds them in his mouth, or lays them between his feet, like some kind of grand prize. He knows he's not suppose to have them because he get's that "look"...like, "I know I'm not suppose to have it, but I do!" The ol' man can say, "Fooy!" (which means no to Vlad), and he'll drop the sock like a hot rock. Me, Vlad just laughs and runs away, saying, "Ha Ha! Catch me if you can! I've got the sock and it's a game! Ha ha!" Damn dog...Note to self: buy a hamper with a lid.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Why "ex"? Because I quit after four years. I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror anymore. Coming directly from the military, the transition was too tough. I couldn't make the switch...the culture was too alien to me. The military trains for war, the State Department tries to talk countries out of going to war. The hawk vs the lamb. I had too much of the hawk in me to lay down with the lambs. Sad, because I really enjoyed my job as a Management Officer, and I really enjoyed the travel and the lifestyle. It's a great gig. I just couldn't deal with the "let's talk about it" attitude...I say, s**t or get off the pot...DO SOMETHING, don't just talk about it.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Fridge Magnet
I use to have a fridge magnet. It was a simple black and white square that read, "Be Nice Or Leave. Thank You" I really liked that. It was simple, direct, polite and to the point. And, easy enough to follow. It doesn't cost anything to be nice. There are so many mean, nasty people in the world today who are miserable. I remember seeing a bumper sticker that said, "Mean People Suck" If they would just "be nice", their lives would be so much richer and they wouldn't suck. Who would you rather be around...someone who's always crabby, irritable and mean, or someone who's happy, nice and fun? That's pretty much a no brainer. Hanging around people who are a bummer just brings me down. My life's too short for that. I want my life filled with happiness and joy, not mean people. I, therefore, don't hang around mean, unhappy folks. And, if those folks are my friends, I behooves me to try to cheer them up, because if they're happy, then I'm happy....and, when you come right down to it, it's really all about me, isn't it?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
If You Bought It Off The Shelf, It's Not Custom
I made a trip to the Laconia Bike Rally once, back in the last century. I met some cool folks from Main. There was this one guy who had this rat Triumph home-made bike that was actually quite cool. It had a coffin gas tank and a raked front end. His helmet said, "If you're not like me, I hate you" and the gas tank proclaimed, "If you bought it off the shelf, it's not custom". While the first quote is a tad bit on the extreme side (we'll discuss that at a later time), I really liked the second. To me, it encapsulates the "wannabe's" of the world. "I really want something cool and unique, but I'm not 1) willing to spend the money to get a real custom job, or 2) I don't have the imagination to come up with something unique, or 3) I want to be cool, but I don't really want to work at it." According to Dictionary.com, custom, as an adjective is, "made specially for individual customers". Buying something everyone else can buy, having something everyone else has, doing something everyone else can do doesn't make you special or unique...it makes you normal. And there's nothing wrong with that, just don't prance around and think you're "custom". Kudos to those who truly embrace the life of CUSTOM.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Pagan Chant
Bide by Nature's Laws I must
In perfect Love and perfect trust
Earth and Wind comb through my hair
Fire and Water are everywhere
The gods, their blessings is all I ask
In all my daily toils and tasks
Keep me safe and whole and true
In all I say and think and do
Merry meet and merry part
The gods, may they keep me close at heart
I say this all the time...when ever I need to calm down, relax, or when I think I'm going to do something stupid. I repeat it when I'm going to sleep at nigh, when I'm walking in the woods, when I need the extra push to get something done. I don't use "religion" as a crutch, (I personally don't believe in "religion" per se). I don't credit the gods with my success' or failures. I use my spirituality (versus "religion") to guide me, to open my heart and eyes to new things. OK, so it doesn't always work, but it can't hurt to give it a try once in a while.
In perfect Love and perfect trust
Earth and Wind comb through my hair
Fire and Water are everywhere
The gods, their blessings is all I ask
In all my daily toils and tasks
Keep me safe and whole and true
In all I say and think and do
Merry meet and merry part
The gods, may they keep me close at heart
I say this all the time...when ever I need to calm down, relax, or when I think I'm going to do something stupid. I repeat it when I'm going to sleep at nigh, when I'm walking in the woods, when I need the extra push to get something done. I don't use "religion" as a crutch, (I personally don't believe in "religion" per se). I don't credit the gods with my success' or failures. I use my spirituality (versus "religion") to guide me, to open my heart and eyes to new things. OK, so it doesn't always work, but it can't hurt to give it a try once in a while.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Africa Quilt
I've been a quilter for about 9 years. I'm not one of those rabid quilters (yes, you know who you are, and there's nothing wrong with being a rabid quilter!), but more of an off-and-on, occassional quilter. I've only completed 2 quilts....hmmmmm, maybe I'm more of an "off" quilter! I've got 3 quilts in progress - #1 is the Africa Quilt, which I've been working on since I was posted in Africa as a Foreign Service Officer (Diplomat). They've got some of the greatest fabrics in Africa....really wonderful. I bought a bunch while I was there, and it's now sitting on a shelf, waiting for the next project. Oh, yeah, I've been working on the Africa Quilt since....2004. Only 5 years. As you can tell, I'm in no rush. I'm also working on quilts for my two step-sons. Those two have been in progress for only 2 years. I'll keep you updated on the progress!
I Can, I Will
Reference my post of yesterday...Not to say it's impossible to change, because it is and we see it all the time. People loose weight, get contact lenses, go through a major trauma and change their lives, or just decide it's time to do something. No one has to be a loser. It's a choice.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I wonder if people who are losers know they are losers. Or people who are ugly (I mean, really ugly) know they're ugly. Do stupid people know they're stupid? Is it all based on perspective? I don't think so...if you've been in jail more than twice, I'd classify you as a loser. Does making bad choices make you a loser? I'd say yes. There's just plain stupid, like burning your hand on the stove (multiple times), and then there's really stupid, like trying to outrun the cops. I'd have to classify people into good looking (as accepted by society) against those not so good looking...I don't think people can be physically ugly...but there can sure be some ugly personalities. Can you help it if you're a loser, stupid or ugly? I'd have to say yes to all. I'm a firm believer in the concept of free will. If you're not mentally retarded, I think it's lame to blame your short-comings on your parents, your neighborhood, your school, your friends, etc. etc. Step up to the plate and take responsibilities for your decisions...is it really that hard?
Friday, May 1, 2009
I am Me
So, I'm walking the dog at about 9:30, and it's dark (but not too dark), and you can hear the crickets and frogs chirping and croaking and the whip-o-will singing and I'm thinking..."I'm the only me in the whole world." I'm the only person who is having this experience, this exact experience, and no one else will know what this feels like. The cool night air, the dog pulling on the leash, the smell of spring, the world slipping into slumber for the night. I love the woods, the quietness and nature sounds. Am I a nerd?
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