So, let me get this straight...the housing market hasn't yet bottomed out (double digit declines!), the unemployment rate is still rising and corporations are still s**ting jobs at an incredible rate (as of May 8, according to the Beureau of Labor Statistics, the number of unemployed persons increased by 563,000 to 13.7 million in April, and the unemployment rate rose to 8.9 %!), states and the US Federal Government are bleeding rivers of red ink, numerous stores are closing their doors and/or declaring bankruptcy (Circuit City, K-B Toys, Linens & Things, Levitz, GM...) and according to all the news channels, THE RECESSION IS ALMOST OVER!!! Whooo Hoooo! Excuse me? Am I missing something here? And, (gasp!) Ashton Kutcher threatens to leave Twitter! The Horror! The Horror! Does anyone else see the inconsistency here? How can the recession be almost over when the entire country is going down the drain? Call me a pessimist, but I don't see anything turning around any time soon. But, hey, who the hell am I to be such a nay-sayer! Go spend money and let's all work together to get even deeper into debt and save our country!! or not....
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