Vlad, the hound of the Baskervilles, delights in socks...dirty, clean, it doesn't matter. He's gotten very good at taking the socks out of the laundry basket. He doesn't eat them, or chew them up...he just holds them in his mouth, or lays them between his feet, like some kind of grand prize. He knows he's not suppose to have them because he get's that "look"...like, "I know I'm not suppose to have it, but I do!" The ol' man can say, "Fooy!" (which means no to Vlad), and he'll drop the sock like a hot rock. Me, Vlad just laughs and runs away, saying, "Ha Ha! Catch me if you can! I've got the sock and it's a game! Ha ha!" Damn dog...Note to self: buy a hamper with a lid.
LOL! Sadie does that too!