above link is an article entitled Mountains of Debt: America's Economic Realities
Charles Wheelan, Ph.D. I am not Chicken Little. Our world is crumbling around us, and some people are raising the alarm, but there seems to be an
overwhelming apathy from the American Citizenry...which just FLOORS me. Now, it's not just the economy, it's not just the banking/credit system, it's not just the housing market, it's not just the car companies (as if all that wasn't enough!?), NOW, the individual STATES are starting to crumble...California, anyone? How about
Pennsylvania...let's hear it for an 16% increase in income tax! Yeah! WHERE is the outrage? Mr.
Wheelan said that Benjamin Franklin would be
disappointed in us...and I think that's a VAST
understatement...I think him and the rest of the founding fathers are rolling in their graves at the absolute, horrific mess we've made. Yes, "we"...because "we" elected the Congress, "we" bought houses we couldn't afford, "we" maxed out our credit cards, "we" bought into the whole consumerism that the media waved
in front of our faces..."we" have brought this upon ourselves...there's no one else to blame. Myself, me and the
Ol' Man are busting our humps to pay off our debt, not buying a new flat screen LCD TV or new Truck/car, eating leftovers, patching clothes, and pretty much making due with what we've got, because, I truly believe it's going to get worse before it
gets better...and it's going to take a LONG time to get better...a long time.