Amazon #1

Quiltvertiser #1

Welcome to My World

The rantings, philosophies, and memories of a retired military, ex-diplomat, tattooed biker chick, quilting o'lady, pagan college student step-mom.

No guilt trip here - I refuse to to cave into that trap - about anything. Everything happens for a reason (Karma? Fate? Destiny? Dumb Luck? or Free Will...) and it is what it is. I've come to a point in my life where I can accept that.

Eveyone always told me to write a book, because I have so many funny stories, life experiences, unique view points...but, a book? What a pain in the ass. Blogging seemed like the next best thing, so, if you're ready (and there's room enough for everyone!) fire up the bikes and lets ride....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Egg Bake

I got this recipe for Egg Bake from my mother-in-law. Bless her heart, she can't make anything other than "feed an army" size. I've cut the recipe in half and it still takes 9 eggs! I had bought some Banquet Brown and Serve sausage (on sale for $1), and when I made it the first time, I found out why it cost only a dollar. So, now I was stuck with about 10 packages of this stuff and had no idea what to do with it...we sure as hell weren't going to eat it. So, I go to make the Egg Bake, and figure...since the sausage is suppose to be cooked before you put it in the Egg Bake, why not give it a whirl with the Banquet sausage? Maybe the rest of the ingredients will mask the flavor...and, by gum! It worked! Sweet! As frugal as I am, I hate wasting food, even if it's bad tasting food, so it was a bonus that it worked in the Egg Bake. Killer good recipe...thanks C!

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